Single-Stream Recycling
Curbside Recyclables
"What can I recycle in my curbside bin?" is one of the most common questions we hear. The list of our acceptable materials has grown in recent years. Even if you are an avid recycler, it is good to brush up on what should and what should not go in the bin.
Did you know...
These items do NOT belong in your bin?
These items can all cause problems or damage facility equipment during the recycling sorting process.
Make sure you know before you throw, and please keep these items OUT of your recycling bin!

Overflow & Business Materials
Do you have overflow paper, cardboard, metal cans, plastic containers, glass jars or cartons? Are you a commercial hauler looking for a local drop-off for these materials? We accept overflow household recyclables and many business sourced recyclables at our facility. Contact us for fees and acceptability.
Tri-County Recycling Facility
The Tri-County Recycling Facility, owned and operated by the Tri-County Regional Partnership of Brown, Outagamie, and Winnebago Counties accepts material from most Northeast Wisconsin and Upper Michigan communities. Over 100,000 tons of recyclables are processed each year utilizing staff from a two-shift operation. Recyclables that are collected curbside and from drop-off centers are brought to the facility located in Appleton, Wisconsin. Please view the video below for a virtual tour of the Tri-County Recycling system.