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Admin Office
WC transfer Station front
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Sunnyview Landfill Facility entrance sign.

About Us

Winnebago County Solid Waste is a comprehensive, integrated solid waste management program located in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.  Our mission is to provide competitive, cost-efficient Solid Waste Management services for solid waste and recyclable materials from our Municipal partnerships and other Winnebago County customers.


In 2001, Winnebago County signed a cooperative agreement to share recycling and landfill infrastructure and disposal costs with Brown and Outagamie Counties. These three counties (Brown, Outagamie, and Winnebago, often referred to as BOW) are now known as the Tri-County Partnership. Sunnyview Landfill, located in Winnebago County, reached capacity in July 2012, after functioning as the Regional Landfill for BOW since 2005.  Winnebago County Solid Waste has since focused on operation of its solid waste and recycling transfer station. Winnebago County waste materials have been directed to the Regional Landfill in Outagamie County since 2012 and more recently sent to the Regional Brown County South Landfill when it opened in January 2022. Our single stream recycling materials are sent to the Tri-County Recycling Facility in Outagamie County as part of the Tri-County Regional Program. 


Sunnyview and Snell Road Landfills are closed and require ongoing monitoring and maintenance to comply with Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources permits.  Closed landfill monitoring requires continued analysis of underground and surface conditions along with air quality to assess landfill site compliance.


Landfill gas (primarily composed of methane) is a renewable energy source that is generated as trash and organic materials decompose.  The methane that is produced at our Sunnyview and Snell Road Landfills is captured and burned to generate power and heat.  The electricity produced from landfill gas is sold to a local utility, and can power up to 2,500 residential homes in a typical year.  Excess landfill gas is burned in candlestick flares to maintain WDNR air permit compliance.


Learn more about our Facility and Programs from our Winnebago County Solid Waste Management Board Annual Report.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide competitive, cost-efficient Solid Waste Management services for solid waste and recyclable materials from our Municipal partnerships and other Winnebago County customers. The Solid Waste Management Board owns and operates the Winnebago County Solid Waste/Recycling Transfer Facility, Sunnyview Landfill Co-Disposal and sludge Sites (closed), Snell Road Landfill (closed), Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Facility and Landfill Gas Collection/Utilization Facilities. The Solid Waste Management Board also co-owns and operates the Tri-County Recycling Facility along with partner Counties, Outagamie and Brown.


For more information about our Tri-County Partnership, click here.

Sunset over the landfill.
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